My So Charmed Life
Web Launch
I’m so happy to announce the launch of the newly designed soCharmed Web site. I’m going to miss that crazy old site; it served me well for so long I can’t even remember. Redesign was based around optimizing for mobile as well as facilitating shopping from within Instagram. I also wanted to keep something connected to the old site, and the Boot logo has been given a new coat of paint as well.
You should now have a greatly improved experience viewing and shopping on your tablet and smartphone. Stay tuned while we install WooCommerce for Instagram purchases, and follow @socharmedtribe to see what I’m up to in life and jewelry-making. Also for announcements of sales, which I do plan to have. In fact, there will be one coming up within the next week or so.
I can’t say why, after a long long break, the jewelry design muse visited with me again. I have some theories, which perhaps I’ll share some other time. Right now, I’m focusing on necklaces; they seem to provide the format I need at the moment. I do plan to make bracelets, earrings and pins again as well. I’m also excited to use this blog (though I’m not promising a particular frequency!) to share all kinds of stuff: behind the scenes, inspirations, interviews with other artists and some additional surprises.
Anyway, enjoy the new site, let me know what you think or any problems you experience using it. I want to give a massive shout-out to code-guy extraordinaire, Peter Kaizer. Hit him up for your Web-commerce site-building needs; he’s quite used to working with fussy, bitchy, insane artists and other types. 🙂 Thank you for supporting my work; I love you.