My So Charmed Life

Shop with a Conscience



Consider this your personal invitation to visit my latest endeavor:, an online shop full of the MOST adorable handcrafted one-of-a-kind altered composition book  journals… AND even better: For each journal you buy, a kid in an under-served public school receives a donated blank composition book. Everyone wins.


There are two yummy styles to choose from… googly-eyed MONSTERS, pictured above and (NOT SO) PLAN JANES, pictured below. The Monsters feature stenciled images with wiggle eyes and text message abbreviations on recycled wallpaper. The aptly-named NSPJ’s utilize our most fabulous wallpaper sheets, no embellishments needed. All  journals are old-fashioned marble-covered kid’s composition books. You know ’em! You love(d) ’em!


Please buy a bunch and help us send hundreds of composition books to school children this coming fall! We thank you and the kids thank you!
