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This is about a very “different” girl named Coraline Jones. She and her parents move into an old Queen Anne Style house that has been subdivided into four flats. The other tenants include Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, two elderly women retired from the stage, and Mr. Bobo, who is training a mouse circus. The flat beside Coraline’s remains empty.
During a rainy day she discovers a locked door in the drawing room, which has been bricked up. As she goes to visit her neighbors, Mr. Bobo relates to her a message from the mice: Don’t go through the door. At tea with Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, Miss Spink spies danger in Coraline’s future after reading her tea leaves, and gives her a stone with a hole in it for protection.
Precious reclaimed battered, sewn and riveted tin heart necklace with mourning ribbon bow, skull and bead dangles and delicate aged brass chain.
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